Friday, January 21, 2011

Power Match

If you want to stand up, stand up.  Forget the things that used to matter. Be strong. Because sometimes we have to be strong enough for them to be weak enough when it comes to us. 

Nobody is worthless, unfortunately we have to live well to prove that. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Love Makes the World Go Round

Accept it, we need each other. The world is harsh sometimes, but I assure you, no one deserves to be left alone.

The world is one big home and all of us are one big happy family, no matter what the situation is. We are all family because everyone deserves a family.

In the midst of recession, war, pain, sadness and all the bad things the world has to offer..there will always be one thing for free and that's for everyone-- love. 

I can't stop the war. I can't wipe tears. I can't feed every hungry person. I can't give you money. However, I can give love. 

After all, love makes the world go round.