Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Try and Try Until You Die

I was determined, I tried once, twice...thrice.
This is nothing compared to Thomas Edison. It took him 999 tries to invent the lightbulb.

I was determined, I tried once, twice..thrice.
I might as well go for the 996 more tries.

I was determined, I tried once, twice..thrice.
I might as well accept that I'm not Thomas Edison and that I am not inventing a lightbulb.

I was determined, I tried once, twice..thrice.
I might as well, try..or die or try or die.


  1. you can always try but that doesn't guarantee you that you'll have what you want even after your 999th try...

    Ever heard of the story of the miner who never gives up looking for a diamond?

  2. Yes, if its not for you..it really not.
    Nope. What does it say?

  3. TRUE STORY HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES - the miner continue mining thinking that the next stone he will pick is a diamond.. eventually he did find a big diamond.

    MORAL LESSON: Never give up, no one can tell us that the next thing we would be picking is a diamond. :)
